2 Adjoining Properties to Renovate
Habitable Size:
170 m²
Land Size:
381 m²
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Region: Limousin
Department: Haute-Vienne (87)
Commune: Marval (87440)
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Key Info
Advert Reference: 6580
- Type: Residential (Village House, House)
- Bedrooms: 5
- Bath/ Shower Rooms: 1
- Habitable Size: 170 m²
- Land Size: 381 m²
- Bed & Breakfast Potential
- Character / Period Features
- Garage(s)
- Garden(s)
- Gîte(s) / Annexe(s)
- Land
- Parking
- Renovation / Development Potential
- Renovation Project
- Rental / Gîte Potential
Property Description
Located in a very pretty village, these two houses require complete interior renovation. The largest was once the village bakery. It includes an entrance opening onto what was the kitchen, a large room of 35 m², a rudimentary bathroom and 3 bedrooms. Habitable area of approximately 120m². The smaller house has a ground floor of 35 m² (with access to the garden) and upstairs 2 other rooms. The property could be left as two individual dwellings but there is a connecting door to the first floor so very easy to create a large house. There is an attic space running the length of both properties which could be used to create additional living space. Adjoining on the left side is a garage with access to the 150 m² garden. The roof is in very good condition and the property is connected to mains drainage. In the village there is a restaurant, a grocery/tobacconist, a post office and Mairie.
* 5 Bedrooms
* 1 Garage
* 1 Shower room
* 1 Lavatory
* 1 Indoor parking
* 381 m2 Land
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